Child shelters separated these siblings. Adoption reunited them.[The cases discussed below are real. I have changed the children’s name and some details to protect their privacy.]Jun 11, 2021Jun 11, 2021
Want to adopt a child one day? Choose your spouse carefully.I met a couple over coffee to answer their questions about adoption in India. During the 2-hour chat, it became painfully clear to me that…Jul 14, 2020Jul 14, 2020
5 reasons I ignore people who tell me how Adoption did not work out in their familyFew months back, my colleague and I got invited to a ladies’ luncheon to talk about our work in the child protection space. As soon as the…May 4, 2020May 4, 2020
उसे माँ चाहिए, मालकिन नहींहमारी एक पहचान की आंटी का फ़ोन आया। उनकी बहू के दूसरा बच्चा हुआ था और वो घर में एक आया रखना चाहती थी। यह आंटी पड़ी लिखी हैं और बचपन से…Mar 21, 2020Mar 21, 2020
Yes it’s okay to walk away from people over their Adoption biasesMany years ago I mentioned my desire to adopt to a colleague. I didn’t work with her everyday and met her rarely, but she came across as a…Feb 13, 2020Feb 13, 2020
Dear Bollywood and Advertisers, don’t disrespect Adoption for entertainment. You can do better.It happens like clockwork. An advertising company or Bollywood director decides to use Adoption as a trope in their ads or movies. But…Jan 15, 2020Jan 15, 2020
You will regret not having biological children, I was told. It has been exactly the opposite.I got married in my early twenties, which was too young or just right, depending on who you ask. But one thing that some people seemed to…Nov 29, 2019Nov 29, 2019
A vulnerable mother needs our support, not judgement. Helping the society understand #SafeSurrenderNot a day passes without news about a child being thrown in the garbage dump, or illegal adoption rackets hurting children, or children…Oct 23, 2019Oct 23, 2019
Sorry if it seems rude, but I will not drop off my kids for a playdate“You should drop off your kids some day,” said a well-meaning acquaintance. She was inviting my kids to play with her kids. I was supposed…Oct 16, 2019Oct 16, 2019
How I plan to protect my kids from negative Adoption comments — thanks to 3 lessons from my own…As a dark-skinned girl growing up in Northern India, my skin colour was an open topic for social commentary. Teachers asked me if I did…Aug 16, 2019Aug 16, 2019